The High School Virtual Classroom

There is so much online support for teachers right now! I have loved seeing the exchange of ideas, the encouragement and the creative ways that many teachers are staying connected with their students. My favorite has been the parades that teachers have planned in the neighborhoods where their students live. They drive their vehicles down the street blaring music, with signs they have made and waving. How much fun!

I will admit. I’m a little jealous. I wish that I could figure out a way to do that for my students. Unfortunately, my 130 students live in a 55 square mile area.

I’m worried about them and really want to lay eyes on them. I’m worried about the ones who struggle with anxiety and depression. I’m worried about the ones who don’t have enough food to eat. I’m worried about the ones who struggle with the content and need a little extra support. I’m worried about the ones who are caring for younger siblings because mom and dad don’t have a choice but to go to work. I”m worried about the ones whose neighbors will be a negative influence during this time. I’m worried about the ones that lack the confidence to do the work on their own. 

There is so much more that I can do in a classroom to help them. I can nudge them and prod them. I can smile at them. I can ask questions that help them reach the answer they are looking for and then praise them for their perseverance. I can ease their fears. I can feed them when they are hungry. I can talk to them about the choices they are making. I can see what kind of day they are having just by the way they sit in their seats.

Know what else I miss – their excitement when they have worked hard on a project in another class and got a good grade, their stories about their pets,  the way they support each other in class, the way they encourage me when I am tired and having a challenging day.

There are advantages and disadvantages to online learning. I’m grateful we have the technology so that students can continue to learn while they are at home. In countries, like Haiti (where school is also shut down) there is no option to school at home.

Virtual learning is a great alternative for many students and teachers. For those of us who signed up to teach in a classroom while staring down 25-30 kids, this is not what we want. 

Today, in the state of Arkansas, we are coming back from spring break to continue “at home schooling.” While we were encouraged to take a break last week and not do school work, most teachers were continuing to scramble trying to find ways to make learning creative and enjoyable. Trying to find ways to teach students with learning disabilities and short attention spans even though they can’t be in the same room with them. This is hard.

Then, there is the issue of the “school day.” Teachers are asked to be available during the typical school day. Most of my teenagers are sleeping in until noon and working through their assignments later in the day. Some of them are turning in their work as late as midnight. 

It’s great that they aren’t confined to a schedule right now. Many of them work better in the afternoon or early evening hours. However, it makes it difficult to be available when I am asleep by 9:00 pm. I’m available at 5:00 am but for some reason they aren’t interested in doing school work then.

If you are a parent, please know that your child’s teacher is doing absolutely everything in his or her power to make this a positive situation for your child. They are pulling out every tool in their toolkit while seeking new ones. They are learning to navigate technology they have never heard of because they heard from another teacher that it is a good resource.

To my fellow teachers, give yourself some grace. You will not execute this perfectly. There was little time to prepare, and we will have to monitor and adjust as we go. It’s okay. Our students don’t need perfect teachers. They will learn more from you by seeing the way you handle things that don’t work. 

In case I have any students reading this. You guys are amazing! You are going to come through this so much stronger and better prepared to face things that life will throw at you in the future. Hang in there. We are all in this together and want nothing more than for everyone to cross that finish line successfully when all of this is over!

As we jump back into virtual learning today, my prayer for all of us comes from Isaiah 40:31. May we hope in the Lord and have our strength renewed. May we soar on wings like eagles. May we run and not grow weary.