Pray for Uvalde

The promise of Heaven is on my heart today as I mourn the loss of 21 precious lives in Uvalde, Texas. Twenty-one families who are crushed, broken, shattered. Twenty-one families who woke up yesterday morning, ate breakfast, and went to school just like any other week day. Children who were anticipating summer break. Parents who were anticipating summer vacations. Teachers who were anticipating some time to rest and recharge before school begins again in just a few short weeks.

Those families will wake up this morning praying that it was just a terrible nightmare. When they realize it is all real, they will relive it, over and over. Their lives on earth will never be the same. This will not be a summer of breaks, vacations, or resting. It will be a summer of grieving, and that is hard work. 

Today is just the beginning for them. As we continue our lives, they will wonder how the sun could continue to rise and people could continue to go to work when their lives have been shattered. 

This earthly life is full of trials, tragedies, and disappointments. Life is hard. Today it is crushing. I’m so grateful that this is not the end. This earthly life is not all there is. Heaven is waiting. It is a place without sorrow, without tears, without tragedy. Because God reigns on the throne of Heaven darkness cannot exist there. It is where we will be reunited with those we love for all eternity. The future is so much more promising than the present.

What can we do for the families of Uvalde? Grief is an isolating journey. We can’t do the work for them. We can lift them up in prayer. We can plead for comfort, for healing, for beauty from ashes. I don’t believe that we truly understand this power that we have in prayer. It feels like we aren’t really doing anything. But, oh we are! There is nothing more powerful than carrying someone to the throne and laying them at the feet of our Father. He loves them so much more than we do. He is grieving with them today. Even as those sweet children are being welcomed into Heaven, our Creator hurts for the ones left behind. He knows the pain and the heartache. He alone can provide the comfort and the healing that these families will need for the rest of their lives.