What Does It Matter?

For the last several days, I have been trying to decide where to go with today’s post. What could I write that would encourage and inspire others to continue to reflect on their word of their year and continue to seek opportunities to grow in that area. As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning and reading different posts about what is going on in Ukraine, I thought to myself, “What does it matter?” This whole word of the year thing, what does it matter when people in Ukraine are facing war. I’m sitting here in my comfortable home, enjoying my morning coffee, reflecting on a word that I have chosen for the year while the people of Ukraine are fighting for their lives. Families are being separated as they are trying to get to safety, other families are in hiding. What does it matter?

If I’m being honest, until this morning it seemed like a problem on the other side of the world. Oh how my heart hurts for the people, and what they are facing and yet my world hasn’t been turned upside down. I don’t know anyone in Ukraine. I do not have any ties to that part of the world. But, I had no idea how many people in my area are being impacted by what is going on. Some of them are former missionaries, some are in the middle of adopting a child, others have friends there, others have family there. Others are sending their soldiers there.

And that’s when I began to think about Esther and the words that Mordecai said to her, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14 Esther loved her people. She wanted to help them and provide what they needed. Our love for our brothers and sisters should compel us to pray, and pray hard, while we continue to prepare where we are for the work that God will call us to do in the future.

I am here for such a time as this. You are where you are for such a time as this. Everything I do is preparing me for what will come. God has not put me in a position or given me any opportunities to serve in the devastation that is taking place overseas yet. What He is giving me the opportunity to do is prepare. And that’s why what we are doing does matter. We are preparing.

The Christians in the Ukraine who are protesting, who are working so hard to help, who are singing praises to God, they didn’t just wake up prepared the morning this started. They have been preparing for years. They have been in the Word, they have been in prayer, they have been encouraging one another.

Whatever word God put on your heart to pursue this year, you are preparing. 

You are preparing to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who flee and come to your area. You are preparing to minister to those who have lost their homes, their livelihood, and all of their material possessions. You are preparing to minister to those you do know who have connections in Ukraine. You are preparing your heart by offering it to God so that you are ready when He opens the door where He wants you to serve.

That’s why it matters. Satan wages war – both physical and spiritual. We have no idea when he may strike close to our homes. We have to be ready to fight back. We do not know what tomorrow will bring. This moment is the only moment that we have, and we need to use it to do the work that is right in front of us. That is why your word matters.

My heart weeps for the people of Ukraine. I honor them first by taking them to the throne and begging God to intervene. Then, I honor them by continuing to prepare myself here, where I am, in this moment. This is where God has put me. I may never have the opportunity to help with what is going on in Ukraine; however, I will be called to do God’s work sometime in my life. I have to be ready.

Download the March reflection sheet here.