Faster Pace and Longer Strides

I had never wanted a dog until just a couple of years ago. I don’t know what changed, but I wanted a dog, and I love her! Myka is a rescue. We have had her for about a year and a half and think that she is probably a couple of years old. She loves to go running with me.

When we first got her, and I would take her for a run, she would pull and tug so hard on the leash that I was afraid she would choke herself. So, we got her a harness. That helped tremendously. 

A few days ago, we were out running, and I noticed something curious. There was a bright yellow tennis ball lying against the curb. I thought, “oh no, she is going to see that ball and go after it. I need to brace myself.” Sure enough her eyes wandered that way and honed in on that bright yellow ball. I braced myself as her pace picked up but, interestingly enough, not towards the ball. She continued moving forward in the direction that we were headed, just a little faster and with a longer stride. When we passed the ball and it was no longer in her line of sight, her pace slowed, and her stride shortened. It was very curious!

A little further on, I noticed a bird sitting on the edge of someone’s lawn, fairly close to the road. What does she love to chase besides brightly colored tennis balls? You got it! Birds! Once again, I thought, “oh no, she is going to see that bird and go after it. I need to brace myself.” Sure enough, her eyes wandered that way and honed in on that bird. Again, her pace picked up but not towards the bird. She continued moving forward in the direction that we were headed, just a little faster and with a bit of a longer stride. When we passed the bird, and it was no longer in her line of sight, her pace slowed and her stride shortened. It was very curious, indeed.

For our sweet dog, Myka, both the ball and the bird are temptations. She wants to chase them. She also knew that they were not in her yard, and that she can’t just bolt after something when we are out running together. 

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13

Like Myka, we are constantly facing temptations on our own paths. Satan is going to throw every temptation at us, trying to turn us from God. We also know that God will always provide a way out. Maybe one of those ways is to keep moving forward in the direction we are headed, at a little faster pace with a bit of a longer stride.

Download the July reflection here.