What Can the Righteous Do?

Our world is pretty broken right now. It seems like everywhere I turn there is doom and gloom. Nothing is going well in our society or with our economy. Our country is facing a bleak future (at least that is the message that we are being given). If we don’t agree with someone’s opinion, we can’t be friends. Instead of civil discourse, we have hatred and vitriol being spewed at one another on social media. It can be overwhelming and depressing. Many of my friends and family have to stay away from the news because it has such a negative impact on their emotional well-being. Being able to plug into what is going on around the world twenty-four hours a day definitely has some drawbacks; especially since most stations are sharing more opinion than fact. Am I the only one who misses the days of Walter Cronkite?

It is so easy to become discouraged and feel powerless. 

Just like David faced Goliath, we are facing our own giant – living in a world that neither believes in God or accepts Him. It is time face this giant with God’s power and authority. We can’t do it on our own, but God has given us everything we need in His word. Regardless of the problem, scripture has the solution. We need to soak our hearts in God’s word every single day. We need time with our Father to guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7), to set our feet on a firm foundation (Psalm 40:2), and to renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31). 

This isn’t the first time that things of the world have looked bleak. Regardless of the laws and policies that we create on this earth, God still reigns on the throne of Heaven. Regardless of how dark life on earth looks, the future is bright with the promise of Heaven. 

While there are Christians who have a voice and can advocate for change, many of us feel as though we don’t have a voice that will be heard. God only calls us to do what we can do to serve Him, to honor Him, and to give Him glory. 

We can not force people to believe in God. We can not force a nation to create laws that honor God and His authority. We can influence those around us with our actions way more than we can influence them with our words. While we may not be living in peace, we can live with peace knowing that God is in control. We don’t have to walk around with fear and anxiety wondering what is going to happen. God already knows. He is not surprised by anything that happens. We can surrender to God.

What Can the Righteous Do is a 30 day scripture writing plan that helps us focus on the things that we can do instead of what we can’t do. We can turn to God and seek Him. We can trust Him. We can feel peace in a world that seems to be imploding. Each day, you will find a new scripture from Psalms; a scripture that gives us direction so that we can live well during difficult times. I pray that you find peace and comfort in God’s word especially during this time of discord and discomfort.