Growing in 2022

For the last several years, I have adopted the “choose a word” idea for the new year. I had tried the New Year’s Resolutions for years, but it just wasn’t working out. Things would go great until school started back for the spring semester (you know, around January 4th or 5th), and then it just all seemed to fall apart. After our son died, it became impossible.  

There are so many layers to grief. One of the things that became incredibly difficult for me to do after Joshua’s death was scheduling – dentist appointments, oil changes, etc. My brain just couldn’t process the logistics anymore. So, the whole idea of New Year’s Resolutions was daunting. I was already dreading the date change. It meant a new year was approaching that Joshua would not be a part of. Trying to create a list of all the things that I was going to do differently, was just too much. Then, a friend shared with me this approach of a single word. It was a game-changer for me.

I didn’t feel the stress or the pressure to complete a to-do list everyday. I also felt like it helped me gain strength and understanding because it was a more focused approach. It allowed me to work on just one thing, just one. Not a long list. I could make decisions through the lens of that one idea, that one word. It made a huge difference in every area of my life. Now, I am ready to do even more with it. More than just choose the word and wait and see what happens. I want to be more intentional with it, I want to learn more about what scripture says, I want to challenge myself. So, I’m trying something new this year.

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith, test yourselves.” 2 Corinthians 13:5

Each month, I am going to sit down and reflect on the past month, intentionally focusing on the word that I have chosen, what scripture says about it, what some of my experiences have been, and any missed opportunities to apply it. I’m also going to challenge myself to stretch outside my comfort zone a little. It won’t be anything fancy, just some questions and ideas to help me make the most of 2022 as I seek to look more like Jesus and less like the world.

God created us and knows the wisdom we will gain from reflecting on the past as we seek to grow closer to Him. He knows that we will grow stronger in our faith as we spend time in His word. He knows that we will be more prepared to take on satan when he attacks. Be forewarned, whatever word you choose, satan will be ready to test you. He will be ready to give you opportunities to grow in that area.

God is also ready to walk with you, to give you strength, to encourage you, and to fight with you. You are never alone. 

If you are interested in trying this approach with me, I will be sharing my reflection questions on this blog. I would love to hear about your journey! I hope you will share with me how things are going either in the comments or in an email. Together, we are quite the opponent against the evil one, and it is an honor to fight him alongside you. 

Click here for January’s reflection.