A Nation Divided

I have so many words bouncing around in my head, that I don’t even know where to start. When I am discouraged or concerned about things going on around me, I go for a run. It helps me to untangle all of the knots. So, yesterday after school, I ran, and I did a lot of thinking. The conclusion I reached is that satan is probably the happiest person on the planet right now. Look at the division, the hatred, the unrest that he has caused in our nation.

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Unfortunately, he has turned us against each other. He is devouring us. There isn’t anything that he could have done that is more powerful than making us hate each other. Democrats believe that Republicans are the enemy. Republicans believe that Democrats are the enemy. Neither is true. My friends and family range from far left to far right. Some of us have great discussions because we seek to listen, not to be heard. We don’t agree on everything. I have some friends who have explained to me why they believe what they believe, and I still struggle to understand. I am sure they feel the same about me. They voted differently than I did. I love and adore them. They are not my enemy.

I have other friends who post things like “If you voted for (fill in the blank), just unfriend me now.” I haven’t unfriended them, and they are not the enemy. They have reasons and experiences for voting the way they did. My reasons and experiences are different. That doesn’t make us enemies.

Our country is so divided right now. If I am not mistaken, this may be the closest presidential election in the history of our nation. Regardless of who wins, it will be by such a small margin that half of our nation will not get the candidate they voted for. Many states have been won by less than a 1% margin, the difference of a few thousand votes. Sadly, that pits neighbor against neighbor, family member against family member, friend against friend. We are a nation divided. Like I said, satan is probably the happiest person on the planet.

Even more unfortunate, the issues that we are facing right now can’t be solved by legislation. We can’t legislate kindness, love and compassion. It is a heart issue. It doesn’t matter who becomes president, that person will not be able to change hearts. There is only one who can do that.

Christ came to this earth to teach by example. And what greater example of love is there than sitting around a table eating with the very one who was going to put into action His crucifixion. He knew that Judas would betray Him, yet Judas had a seat at the table where he ate with the rest of the apostles. If Christ can sit at the table with the very one who betrayed Him, I can love my neighbor despite how he or she voted.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35

Not just those we agree with or those we like; we are to love everyone the way Christ loved us. He loved us so much that He went to the cross so that we could have eternal salvation.

How much would our nation change if we all united against what satan is doing to us and could show love to one another? We, the people, have to power to effect so much more change than any president could ever hope to do. Legislation is not the answer. We are. We have the power to show love to those who think and believe differently than we do. We have the power to unite our country through love, compassion, and kindness. What are we waiting for?