2022 is coming!

It’s about that time of the year when I begin to plan and think about what I want to focus on next year. It’s that time of the year when I start looking for my word or phrase for the year. I started this several years ago after a friend shared this idea with me. I have never been good at New Year’s Resolutions. Oh, I could make quite the list and would have quite the aspirations. Then life would happen, and my beautiful schedule that included all of my do’s and don’ts would get all discombobulated. Ultimately, I would feel like a failure for not being able to keep all of my resolutions.

Choosing a word or phrase for the year has made such a difference for me! Now instead of a list of things to do or a list of things not to do, I have one area to focus on all year with a scripture that guides my thoughts and my decision-making. It has been especially helpful when life becomes difficult.

The first year, I chose the phrase “run your race” (Hebrews 12:1). It was a couple of years after our son died, and I couldn’t stop comparing my life to the lives of those around me. Thanksgiving had just ended, complete with all of the pictures of intact families. Christmas was coming, and I knew there would be more pictures to follow. My family felt so broken and lost. We were missing a huge piece of our lives. I knew that I had to focus on my race and run it, not try to run someone else’s. It made a huge difference.

Another year, I chose the word “courage” (Joshua 1:9). I am afraid of just about everything. I wanted to stop feeling afraid and instead walk with courage into daily life. While I am still not courageous enough to go bungee jumping or skydiving, I did ride rollercoasters in the dark a couple of months ago! That’s a win!

Another year, I chose the phrase “open my eyes” (Psalm 119:18). I felt like I was missing out on some of the blessings that God was lavishing on me. I wanted to see all of the blessings and all of the opportunities that He gave me. That year, I focused on looking for both. The saying is true; we do find what we are looking for. 

What I love about this idea is that even years later, I continue to find myself thinking about the words or phrases that I chose. They continue to influence my life and my walk with the Lord.

I’m still searching the scriptures and praying for just the right word or phrase this year. It will come, at just the right time. I’m so excited for all the possibilities!

How about you? Do you choose a word or phrase for the year? I would love to hear about it!