God Never Changes

Almost five months ago, our “normal” changed dramatically. Overnight, schools closed, businesses closed, and many people started working from home. We couldn’t go to church or the movies or the mall. Our daily lives seemed to come to a halt.

Two weeks of social distancing has turned into five months and things continue to change. Some businesses are beginning to reopen with limited capacity. Some people are starting to go back to work. There are more cars on the road and more people traveling.

Other things continue to change everyday and leave us unsettled about the future. Will schools reopen? What will that look like? Will there be a cure for this virus or even a treatment that everyone supports? Will I be able to afford it? Will the police be defunded? Who will I call when I am in danger? 

With so many things changing, it is easy to feel as if we are walking on unlevel ground. It is easy to feel unstable as each day starts. What will change today? How will it affect my family? 

There is one constant that we can always count on. One thing that never changes. 


“I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.” Malachi 3:6

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

God is the one constant I can always count on. He will never change. He can’t be bought, manipulated, or deceived. His truths do not change because the opinions of a society might change. 

If you are feeling unsettled because of all the changes constantly going on around us, remember we were created by a God who never changes. Rest in His promises. Remember who He is, our firm foundation. With God, we can walk on solid ground with steps that do not waver.

Clothed in Kindness

One of the difficult things about living in our society today is that regardless of the choice you make, you will be criticized. Let’s talk about schools for a moment. There are parents who do not want to send their kids back to school in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. There are parents who are ready to send their kids back to school in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. Both groups are concerned for the well-being of their children. Both groups are trying to decide what is best for their family. 

There are teachers who do not want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. There are teachers who do want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. Both groups are working crazy hours to plan for both. They are trying to figure out how to best educate the precious kiddos in their classes while keeping them safe. They are thinking outside the box. They are spending money out of their own family budget to do what it takes.

There are administrators who want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. There are administrators who do not want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. They are working crazy hours trying to create options that will work for everyone. They are literally trying to please everyone. That is not even possible, but they are trying. There is no playbook for this. Every solution comes with its own challenges that they are trying to plan for and resolve in advance.

Do you see the common theme here? There are three groups of people in our society who are in a lose-lose situation. It doesn’t matter what the parent decides, someone will criticize. It doesn’t matter what the teacher does, someone will criticize. It doesn’t matter what solutions the administrators try, someone will criticize.

The reality is, there is no one right answer. Every family has to decide what is best for their child and that is the right answer for them. Every teacher has to decide what is best for her and her family and that is the right answer. Every administrator is trying diligently to support all of this by providing options. They are trying to provide a right answer for everyone.

What can the rest of us do? Show kindness.

Christ set the most beautiful example for us in scripture. He fed the hungry, He healed the sick, He listened to the hurting. We are charged with showing the same level of kindness to those around us.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12

The people around us are making some very difficult decisions. They are doing the absolute best they can. Instead of judging or criticizing, how can we show kindness?

The High School Virtual Classroom

There is so much online support for teachers right now! I have loved seeing the exchange of ideas, the encouragement and the creative ways that many teachers are staying connected with their students. My favorite has been the parades that teachers have planned in the neighborhoods where their students live. They drive their vehicles down the street blaring music, with signs they have made and waving. How much fun!

I will admit. I’m a little jealous. I wish that I could figure out a way to do that for my students. Unfortunately, my 130 students live in a 55 square mile area.

I’m worried about them and really want to lay eyes on them. I’m worried about the ones who struggle with anxiety and depression. I’m worried about the ones who don’t have enough food to eat. I’m worried about the ones who struggle with the content and need a little extra support. I’m worried about the ones who are caring for younger siblings because mom and dad don’t have a choice but to go to work. I”m worried about the ones whose neighbors will be a negative influence during this time. I’m worried about the ones that lack the confidence to do the work on their own. 

There is so much more that I can do in a classroom to help them. I can nudge them and prod them. I can smile at them. I can ask questions that help them reach the answer they are looking for and then praise them for their perseverance. I can ease their fears. I can feed them when they are hungry. I can talk to them about the choices they are making. I can see what kind of day they are having just by the way they sit in their seats.

Know what else I miss – their excitement when they have worked hard on a project in another class and got a good grade, their stories about their pets,  the way they support each other in class, the way they encourage me when I am tired and having a challenging day.

There are advantages and disadvantages to online learning. I’m grateful we have the technology so that students can continue to learn while they are at home. In countries, like Haiti (where school is also shut down) there is no option to school at home.

Virtual learning is a great alternative for many students and teachers. For those of us who signed up to teach in a classroom while staring down 25-30 kids, this is not what we want. 

Today, in the state of Arkansas, we are coming back from spring break to continue “at home schooling.” While we were encouraged to take a break last week and not do school work, most teachers were continuing to scramble trying to find ways to make learning creative and enjoyable. Trying to find ways to teach students with learning disabilities and short attention spans even though they can’t be in the same room with them. This is hard.

Then, there is the issue of the “school day.” Teachers are asked to be available during the typical school day. Most of my teenagers are sleeping in until noon and working through their assignments later in the day. Some of them are turning in their work as late as midnight. 

It’s great that they aren’t confined to a schedule right now. Many of them work better in the afternoon or early evening hours. However, it makes it difficult to be available when I am asleep by 9:00 pm. I’m available at 5:00 am but for some reason they aren’t interested in doing school work then.

If you are a parent, please know that your child’s teacher is doing absolutely everything in his or her power to make this a positive situation for your child. They are pulling out every tool in their toolkit while seeking new ones. They are learning to navigate technology they have never heard of because they heard from another teacher that it is a good resource.

To my fellow teachers, give yourself some grace. You will not execute this perfectly. There was little time to prepare, and we will have to monitor and adjust as we go. It’s okay. Our students don’t need perfect teachers. They will learn more from you by seeing the way you handle things that don’t work. 

In case I have any students reading this. You guys are amazing! You are going to come through this so much stronger and better prepared to face things that life will throw at you in the future. Hang in there. We are all in this together and want nothing more than for everyone to cross that finish line successfully when all of this is over!

As we jump back into virtual learning today, my prayer for all of us comes from Isaiah 40:31. May we hope in the Lord and have our strength renewed. May we soar on wings like eagles. May we run and not grow weary.

A Nation of Prayer Warriors

Our nation is going through a difficult time. Due to this novel virus, people can’t work, kids are being school at home, sports can’t be played, churches can’t meet, small businesses can’t make ends meet, families can’t make ends meet. Everyone I know is affected in some way. No one is getting out of this pandemic untouched. 

What I don’t understand is with everyone, every single person on the planet, somehow being impacted by this, why there is so much criticism directed towards our government. There is so much division, so much controversy over how to handle this illness that is ravaging our nation. There are so many opinions and so many news outlets only reporting one side. Somewhere in the middle, there is truth. Neither side has all of the answers, but together they could do so much more for our country.

It’s easy to criticize the one making the decisions when you don’t have the entire story, when you aren’t in the room to hear all of the information, and all you have is your own perspective.  Our leaders have to consider the perspectives of everyone in our nation. What is great for one group is people may only be mildly helpful for another. What is okay for the majority may have a negative impact on a smaller group. These are not decisions that are easily made.

To want our president to fail during this crisis, is to want our nation to fail. 

I have not voted for every president that has held the office. I have not agreed with every decision of every president. I have not agreed with some of the decisions of the presidents I have voted for, and I have agreed with some of the decisions of presidents that I did not vote for. They are men. They are human. They are not perfect. They are not infallible. I choose to believe that they are doing the best they can. They were not trained on how to handle many of the situations they have to face each and every day. There are no “flight simulators” for this job. And in the case of what our nation is facing today, there is no precedent to study. 

What can we do during this time to help our government? Whether we agree with them or not, whether we voted for them or not, we can pray for them. 

James 5:16 tells us that “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Prayer is a powerful tool. It is a way that we talk to God. It is an opportunity to lift up our leaders and ask God to help them as they face this uncharted territory.

In fact, we are called to pray for our leaders. 

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

I hope you will join me for the next week in praying some specific scriptures over our government. 

Day 1 – Let’s pray that our leaders will seek God first.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

We need leaders who will seek God’s will first; leaders who will choose what is right over what is popular. Leaders who are not swayed by peer pressure or the desire to conform. Let’s ask God to give them a heart that seeks His will above all else. Even when they receive criticism for being leaders of faith.

Day 2 – Let’s pray that our leaders will seek wise counsel.

“For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.” Proverbs 11:14

We need all perspectives represented as they seek to find a way to help the economy, to protect our health care workers and to get the country up and running again. Pray that God will put the right people in the right places to share their wisdom with those who are making the decisions for our nation. There is not one person or one party who has all the answers. Working together gives them and us the best hope of ending this crisis. 

Day 3 – Let’s pray that our leaders will be strong and courageous. 

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

We need leaders who are strong and courageous. We need leaders who will listen to all of the facts given to them by all of their advisers and make decisions that are in the best interest of the country. We may not always agree with their decisions. They are humans just like we are and don’t have all the answers. They are under a tremendous amount of stress, and yes, while some will try to use this to their advantage, many will not. Many will only want to do what is best for the people they serve. Let’s ask God to give them strength to serve with courage and conviction.

Day 4 – Let’s pray that our leaders will devote themselves to prayer 

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

I would imagine our leaders have packed schedules and it is difficult to find time alone to spend in prayer with God. Let’s ask God to give them a little extra time that they can spend with Him. Time that they can seek His will. Time that they can turn to God and lay their burdens at His feet. God will lighten their load. He will give them the wisdom they seek, they just need to ask. Let’s pray that our leaders will have the hearts and the desire to spend each day in prayer as they guide our nation.

Day 5 – Let’s pray that God will give them strength so they don’t grow weary.

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

I can’t imagine the schedules that our leaders are trying to keep each day. I feel certain they are not getting much sleep and barely have time to eat. Physically, they must be exhausted. Let’s pray for their health and that God will grant them strength that is beyond understanding to make decisions, to complete tasks, and to find ways to fight this crisis.

Day 6 – Let’s pray that they will work together in unity.

“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” 1 Corinthians 1:10

It breaks my heart to see all of the division in our government right now. Both parties claim one objective – “to care for and protect the American people.” Let’s ask God to unite them as they face this pandemic. Let’s ask God to give them hearts and minds to work together. To talk things out instead of yelling, to listen instead of trying to be heard, and to put politics aside so that the people can be put first. 

Day 7 – Let’s pray that our leaders will guard what has been entrusted to them.

“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.” 1 Timothy 6:20

While this passage is specifically speaking to Timothy about guarding God’s word. I believe it applies in our situation today. We have been entrusted to the care of our leaders. Let’s pray that God will give them a heart to guard the people who have been entrusted to them. Let’s pray that they will look past party lines, selfish desires and backroom deals in order to put the peoples’ best interests first.

These are unprecedented times in our nation. Emotions are running high, fear is rampant, panic is spreading. I pray that we can all unite for the good of our leaders and not believe everything we hear in the news. I don’t want this to go down in the history books as a fail. I would much rather that my grandchildren hear about how all Americans came together. They erased party lines, they linked arms and on their knees lifted up their leaders to our Almighty Father and through those prayers, God blessed our nation.