
I’m so excited that spring is here! Between the snow and ice that we have had this winter and the time that I have been blessed to spend with our daughter since she gave birth to her first baby, it has been a busy semester. It’s times like this when our goals can fall by the wayside. Life gets hectic, and it’s easy to get off schedule. 

Which brings me to the topic for today! How is your word of the year going?

Have you encountered opportunities that allowed you to apply your word? Have you found yourself growing yet? Have you been able to stay committed?

Has life been crazy hectic and you haven’t been able to think about that word you chose way back at the beginning of the year? Do you need to recommit to your plan?

It doesn’t matter where you are at this moment! Whether you have stayed on track or gotten so far off the tracks you aren’t sure you can find them again, today is a new day! It is a new opportunity.

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this.” Psalm 37:5

We aren’t the only ones to ever lose focus. Remember Peter? He started out so brave! He saw Jesus walking on the water towards their boat, and asked to join Him. How do you think he felt as he stood up, and placed one leg over the side of the boat? What about when his foot first touched that water and didn’t break the surface? Those first few steps toward Jesus? My heart would have been jumping out of my chest. Peter was walking on water! And then, he took his eyes off of Jesus. He saw the waves created by the wind and became afraid. Just for a second, he lost sight and that was all it took for fear to grip his heart and he began to sink.

We face the same risk when we take our eyes off of Jesus. When we look around and see the waves crashing all around us.

Just like Peter, we have a lifeline. He cried out and Jesus immediately reached out His hand to take hold of Peter. He didn’t give Him a lecture. He didn’t let Him flounder for a bit. He immediately took his hand and lifted him out of the water. He will do the same for you!

So, whether you are still in the boat and committed or feel like you are drowning and need to recommit, let’s keep our eyes focused on the One who is always ready to grab our hands and pull us out of the water.

Download the April reflection worksheet here!