Under Construction

It seems like the last several times that we have been on the interstate, we have hit an area of construction that has either really slowed us down or resulted in us taking an alternate route. It is so frustrating to be cruising along making great time (beating the ETA on the GPS) when all of a sudden traffic comes to a halt. There is nowhere to go and nothing that can be done except to settle in and inch along with all of the other cars dealing with the same frustration. So, we settle in, and I usually stew – over the inconvenience, the loss of time and the lack of control I have over the situation.

Recently, I have found myself thinking about how I am also under construction. Just like that road that needs a facelift, I often need to have some work done on my heart. Too often I let the world seep in and take root, causing me to worry and stress, again, over things that I can’t control. 

This construction on the heart takes time and patience; neither of which I ever feel like I have enough to spare. And, it never comes at a convenient time in life. It isn’t something that we can put on a calendar and plan around. It is something that happens and we have no choice but to settle in and inch along knowing that it could be a slow process. 

I have been under construction for several years now learning to handle grief in a healthy way. I feel like I have lost a lot of time that I needed to be doing other things. But too often, I just haven’t had the energy or the ability to take on other tasks.

Sometimes in life we face large construction projects; other times we are under construction for a shorter period of time. One promise that we can hold on to in scripture is this:

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

A good work has begun in each of us and God will see to it that it is carried out. Sometimes that requires a little construction, something that is super inconvenient. However, I know that when they finish that construction on the interstate, it is going to be a nice road to travel, and I know that when I allow God to work on me, I am better for it and can do more to serve and honor Him. That is worth the inconvenience of time.

Clothed in Kindness

One of the difficult things about living in our society today is that regardless of the choice you make, you will be criticized. Let’s talk about schools for a moment. There are parents who do not want to send their kids back to school in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. There are parents who are ready to send their kids back to school in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. Both groups are concerned for the well-being of their children. Both groups are trying to decide what is best for their family. 

There are teachers who do not want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. There are teachers who do want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. Both groups are working crazy hours to plan for both. They are trying to figure out how to best educate the precious kiddos in their classes while keeping them safe. They are thinking outside the box. They are spending money out of their own family budget to do what it takes.

There are administrators who want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. There are administrators who do not want to start back in person in the fall. They have very legitimate reasons. They are working crazy hours trying to create options that will work for everyone. They are literally trying to please everyone. That is not even possible, but they are trying. There is no playbook for this. Every solution comes with its own challenges that they are trying to plan for and resolve in advance.

Do you see the common theme here? There are three groups of people in our society who are in a lose-lose situation. It doesn’t matter what the parent decides, someone will criticize. It doesn’t matter what the teacher does, someone will criticize. It doesn’t matter what solutions the administrators try, someone will criticize.

The reality is, there is no one right answer. Every family has to decide what is best for their child and that is the right answer for them. Every teacher has to decide what is best for her and her family and that is the right answer. Every administrator is trying diligently to support all of this by providing options. They are trying to provide a right answer for everyone.

What can the rest of us do? Show kindness.

Christ set the most beautiful example for us in scripture. He fed the hungry, He healed the sick, He listened to the hurting. We are charged with showing the same level of kindness to those around us.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12

The people around us are making some very difficult decisions. They are doing the absolute best they can. Instead of judging or criticizing, how can we show kindness?