Eager Anticipation

Yesterday was a rare day that found both myself and my husband working from home. He has worked from home for almost two years now and has an entire office all set up with his desk and computer monitors. I rarely work from home, so when I do, I enjoy being tucked into the end of the sofa under a blanket or two. 

I’m tapping away on the keyboard and our dog, Myka, has settled in on the other end of the sofa for her morning nap when the chair in the office squeaks, and Michael walks into the living room. She immediately jumps off the sofa and springs to attention. She is ready. She doesn’t know what is about to happen. She has no idea what Michael is going to do or even if he is going to invite her along, but she is ready. Her entire body is taut with anticipation and her tail wags as she waits completely focused on him. She is excited. Nothing else matters. She doesn’t look around. She doesn’t care what I am doing. He is the master, and she is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. She loves the time they spend together.

And, that made me think about how I anticipate the time I spend with God. I would imagine that God longs for me to do the same. To be excited and ready. To be so totally focused on Him that I don’t notice other things – the dishes piled in the sink, the laundry that needs to be done, the text notifications. Nothing else matters, just time with my Heavenly Father. 

Myka isn’t just ready early in the morning; she is ready all day. Her entire day is spent in eager anticipation of what the two of them might do together. Everytime Michael moves, she is ready, waiting for him to call her. 

I wonder what a difference we could make in this world if we were ready every time God called us. If we waited with that same eager anticipation all day looking for opportunities to spend with our Heavenly Father, looking for opportunities to serve Him. Whatever your goals are for this year, whatever word you have chosen, whatever areas of growth you are desiring, God is going to put opportunities in front of you. Are you excited with anticipation thinking about all of the ways that He can use you for the kingdom?