Just One Word

Are New Year’s Resolutions working for you? They weren’t working for me. I would make this great list of all the things I was going to do and by January 3rd, I would feel like a failure because I couldn’t maintain that long list every single day. So I tried a new tactic. I started choosing a word of the year. I choose one word (or sometimes a 2-3 word phrase) that represents an area where I want to grow, and I focus on applying that one word to my life. 

I will be honest, I was hesitant when I first heard about it. It seemed too slow to choose just one thing to improve on each year. I like to move faster than that. That is not the reality of how it works at all. While it is just one area of focus, it pours over into every area of my life. It becomes part of who I am and not just something that I do. That is worth spending a year to work on. 

If you want to join me on this journey, just subscribe to my blog, and you will receive a weekly email with a prompting question or activity to complete utilizing your word for the year. Instead of our words sitting in the back corners of our brains and collecting dust all year, we will have consistent reminders so that we can be intentional in our pursuit of growth this year!

If you are struggling to find a word, there are tons of websites with strategies that will help. Just do a quick Google search and you will be on your way.

I am looking forward to what the next 52 weeks will bring!


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