
I have been reading Levi Lusko’s book I Declare War, and one of the insightful points that he makes is that it is never the wrong time to reset. 

How many times have you set a goal, gotten off track, and thought you had to wait until the next day, the next week, or even the next month to get back on track? Lusko says, no way. Each moment that we are given is a gift from God and the perfect time to go to Him, ask for help, and begin again. In fact, we can reset multiple times a day if we need to. You will never meet your quota for going to God and asking for help.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

I don’t know how your word of the year is going. Mine is not going that well. I have been busy this semester and haven’t devoted the time that I should have to staying focused on growing in this particular area the last couple of months. Which is one of the reasons why I am so excited about this month’s reflection. 

I love the Psalms! I don’t think I have ever encountered a situation in my life where I couldn’t find a Psalm that inspired me or brought me comfort. That is where we are going to start – find a Psalm that relates to the word that you have chosen for the year. Write it down. I would even challenge you to begin memorizing it so that in the moment, when you need inspiration or comfort, it is right there, in your heart, ready to provide exactly what you need.

Then (and I really hope that you will do this part) you will write your own Psalm to God. Think about the format of the Psalms. First, the psalmist typically laments a difficulty that he is having. He asks questions, like “Why don’t you hear me?” or “Why have you forgotten me?” After he pours out his pain to God, there is some type of transition – usually a recognition or acknowledgement of who God is and His sovereignty. Then, the psalmist wraps it up by praising God or thanking Him for all that He has done. There isn’t even a rhyme requirement. Just a heart poured out to God, longing to live a life that honors and glorifies Him. 

So, if you have gotten off track with your word of the year and thought you would have to wait until next year and begin again, I say, “no way!” You can start right now! We still have eight months of growth opportunities! Eight months of leaning in to God and striving to live like Christ. Let’s reset right now and get started!

Download the May reflection here.


Life is not fair! Or is it? A few years ago, my AP Spanish class was debating this statement and several of the students said that they believe life is fair. I was somewhat surprised by their statement and asked them to explain. They shared that life is unfair to everyone and that is what makes it fair. I had never considered that perspective, but as they elaborated – it does not matter where a person lives, who their parents are or where they go to school – I realized that they were on to something. At some point, we have all faced a time when we felt life was not fair. As my students seemed to have figured out, we can’t always control what happens in life; however, we can definitely control how we react to it.

The reality is, throughout life we are either in training or facing some time of trial or storm. Both seasons require a determined focus. I love King Solomon’s words in Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Whether we are on a mountaintop and things are going incredibly well or we are in a valley when everything seems to be going wrong, we must stay focused. We must keep our eye on eternity. 

We can learn many lessons from athletes. They train hard every single day to prepare for their races. Even when they do not feel like it, they do it anyway. As they prepare for a race or a competition, they make sure they are eating correctly, drinking plenty of water and practicing so that when the race comes, their bodies will be ready. Just as athletes focus on their training so that they can win their races, as Christians, we need to be focused on the race we are running. Unlike the athlete, we do not know when the trials are going to hit or the storms are going to rage. That makes it even more important that we prepare diligently every single day so that our hearts are ready when satan wages war. 

While athletes are training for trophies and medals and bragging rights, we are training for the ultimate finish line – running through the pearly gates. Like many athletes who give it all and literally collapse across the finish line, I want to collapse into Heaven completely exhausted and used up. I do not want there to be an ounce of anything left in me. I want to fall at the feet of my Father and say, “I used it all. Every bit of energy, strength, every ounce of talent that you gave me. I used it up in the race to get here.” 

It is easy to say that we need to be prepared, but what are some specific training strategies?

  1. Keep your heart soaked in God’s truths: Just like many businesses and schools have a mission and vision statement to focus on, I need God’s word. Pick a scripture and make that your focus for the next few days or week. Make it your verse to live by. If you are looking for one to start with, how about Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” 
  2. Keep a list of victories, no matter how small they may seem to you! It can include small things that you have overcome or ways that you see God working. When things are hard, read through those victories. Just keeping a list makes me more intentional about seeking the good everyday.
  3. Commit to attending worship. We need community. I get it. Sometimes we don’t feel like going. It takes a huge amount of energy to get little ones ready for church and then to wrestle them during communion and worship. We get behind at work and need to catch up. Remember the athlete. She trains even when she does not feel like it. This training is even more important. Not only do you need other Christians. They need you. Have you ever sat next to a fire and watched the logs burn? What happens if you take an ember out of that fire and set it to the side? It loses its flame. It can’t burn on its own. We can’t do it alone. 

Every decision we make either draws us closer to God or slowly slips us away from Him. When we mess up, when we skip a training day or completely fail a trial – it happens to all athletes – don’t quit. Pick up where you left off and keep going. It doesn’t matter if today’s achievements are baby steps – barely noticeable by anyone but you and God or giant steps that the world sees. Forward progress is forward progress and puts you one step closer to your goal. Then, get up the next day and do it again. Until the day you hear those sweet words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”


I’m so excited that spring is here! Between the snow and ice that we have had this winter and the time that I have been blessed to spend with our daughter since she gave birth to her first baby, it has been a busy semester. It’s times like this when our goals can fall by the wayside. Life gets hectic, and it’s easy to get off schedule. 

Which brings me to the topic for today! How is your word of the year going?

Have you encountered opportunities that allowed you to apply your word? Have you found yourself growing yet? Have you been able to stay committed?

Has life been crazy hectic and you haven’t been able to think about that word you chose way back at the beginning of the year? Do you need to recommit to your plan?

It doesn’t matter where you are at this moment! Whether you have stayed on track or gotten so far off the tracks you aren’t sure you can find them again, today is a new day! It is a new opportunity.

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this.” Psalm 37:5

We aren’t the only ones to ever lose focus. Remember Peter? He started out so brave! He saw Jesus walking on the water towards their boat, and asked to join Him. How do you think he felt as he stood up, and placed one leg over the side of the boat? What about when his foot first touched that water and didn’t break the surface? Those first few steps toward Jesus? My heart would have been jumping out of my chest. Peter was walking on water! And then, he took his eyes off of Jesus. He saw the waves created by the wind and became afraid. Just for a second, he lost sight and that was all it took for fear to grip his heart and he began to sink.

We face the same risk when we take our eyes off of Jesus. When we look around and see the waves crashing all around us.

Just like Peter, we have a lifeline. He cried out and Jesus immediately reached out His hand to take hold of Peter. He didn’t give Him a lecture. He didn’t let Him flounder for a bit. He immediately took his hand and lifted him out of the water. He will do the same for you!

So, whether you are still in the boat and committed or feel like you are drowning and need to recommit, let’s keep our eyes focused on the One who is always ready to grab our hands and pull us out of the water.

Download the April reflection worksheet here!

What Does It Matter?

For the last several days, I have been trying to decide where to go with today’s post. What could I write that would encourage and inspire others to continue to reflect on their word of their year and continue to seek opportunities to grow in that area. As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning and reading different posts about what is going on in Ukraine, I thought to myself, “What does it matter?” This whole word of the year thing, what does it matter when people in Ukraine are facing war. I’m sitting here in my comfortable home, enjoying my morning coffee, reflecting on a word that I have chosen for the year while the people of Ukraine are fighting for their lives. Families are being separated as they are trying to get to safety, other families are in hiding. What does it matter?

If I’m being honest, until this morning it seemed like a problem on the other side of the world. Oh how my heart hurts for the people, and what they are facing and yet my world hasn’t been turned upside down. I don’t know anyone in Ukraine. I do not have any ties to that part of the world. But, I had no idea how many people in my area are being impacted by what is going on. Some of them are former missionaries, some are in the middle of adopting a child, others have friends there, others have family there. Others are sending their soldiers there.

And that’s when I began to think about Esther and the words that Mordecai said to her, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14 Esther loved her people. She wanted to help them and provide what they needed. Our love for our brothers and sisters should compel us to pray, and pray hard, while we continue to prepare where we are for the work that God will call us to do in the future.

I am here for such a time as this. You are where you are for such a time as this. Everything I do is preparing me for what will come. God has not put me in a position or given me any opportunities to serve in the devastation that is taking place overseas yet. What He is giving me the opportunity to do is prepare. And that’s why what we are doing does matter. We are preparing.

The Christians in the Ukraine who are protesting, who are working so hard to help, who are singing praises to God, they didn’t just wake up prepared the morning this started. They have been preparing for years. They have been in the Word, they have been in prayer, they have been encouraging one another.

Whatever word God put on your heart to pursue this year, you are preparing. 

You are preparing to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who flee and come to your area. You are preparing to minister to those who have lost their homes, their livelihood, and all of their material possessions. You are preparing to minister to those you do know who have connections in Ukraine. You are preparing your heart by offering it to God so that you are ready when He opens the door where He wants you to serve.

That’s why it matters. Satan wages war – both physical and spiritual. We have no idea when he may strike close to our homes. We have to be ready to fight back. We do not know what tomorrow will bring. This moment is the only moment that we have, and we need to use it to do the work that is right in front of us. That is why your word matters.

My heart weeps for the people of Ukraine. I honor them first by taking them to the throne and begging God to intervene. Then, I honor them by continuing to prepare myself here, where I am, in this moment. This is where God has put me. I may never have the opportunity to help with what is going on in Ukraine; however, I will be called to do God’s work sometime in my life. I have to be ready.

Download the March reflection sheet here.

Eager Anticipation

Yesterday was a rare day that found both myself and my husband working from home. He has worked from home for almost two years now and has an entire office all set up with his desk and computer monitors. I rarely work from home, so when I do, I enjoy being tucked into the end of the sofa under a blanket or two. 

I’m tapping away on the keyboard and our dog, Myka, has settled in on the other end of the sofa for her morning nap when the chair in the office squeaks, and Michael walks into the living room. She immediately jumps off the sofa and springs to attention. She is ready. She doesn’t know what is about to happen. She has no idea what Michael is going to do or even if he is going to invite her along, but she is ready. Her entire body is taut with anticipation and her tail wags as she waits completely focused on him. She is excited. Nothing else matters. She doesn’t look around. She doesn’t care what I am doing. He is the master, and she is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. She loves the time they spend together.

And, that made me think about how I anticipate the time I spend with God. I would imagine that God longs for me to do the same. To be excited and ready. To be so totally focused on Him that I don’t notice other things – the dishes piled in the sink, the laundry that needs to be done, the text notifications. Nothing else matters, just time with my Heavenly Father. 

Myka isn’t just ready early in the morning; she is ready all day. Her entire day is spent in eager anticipation of what the two of them might do together. Everytime Michael moves, she is ready, waiting for him to call her. 

I wonder what a difference we could make in this world if we were ready every time God called us. If we waited with that same eager anticipation all day looking for opportunities to spend with our Heavenly Father, looking for opportunities to serve Him. Whatever your goals are for this year, whatever word you have chosen, whatever areas of growth you are desiring, God is going to put opportunities in front of you. Are you excited with anticipation thinking about all of the ways that He can use you for the kingdom? 

Growing in 2022

For the last several years, I have adopted the “choose a word” idea for the new year. I had tried the New Year’s Resolutions for years, but it just wasn’t working out. Things would go great until school started back for the spring semester (you know, around January 4th or 5th), and then it just all seemed to fall apart. After our son died, it became impossible.  

There are so many layers to grief. One of the things that became incredibly difficult for me to do after Joshua’s death was scheduling – dentist appointments, oil changes, etc. My brain just couldn’t process the logistics anymore. So, the whole idea of New Year’s Resolutions was daunting. I was already dreading the date change. It meant a new year was approaching that Joshua would not be a part of. Trying to create a list of all the things that I was going to do differently, was just too much. Then, a friend shared with me this approach of a single word. It was a game-changer for me.

I didn’t feel the stress or the pressure to complete a to-do list everyday. I also felt like it helped me gain strength and understanding because it was a more focused approach. It allowed me to work on just one thing, just one. Not a long list. I could make decisions through the lens of that one idea, that one word. It made a huge difference in every area of my life. Now, I am ready to do even more with it. More than just choose the word and wait and see what happens. I want to be more intentional with it, I want to learn more about what scripture says, I want to challenge myself. So, I’m trying something new this year.

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith, test yourselves.” 2 Corinthians 13:5

Each month, I am going to sit down and reflect on the past month, intentionally focusing on the word that I have chosen, what scripture says about it, what some of my experiences have been, and any missed opportunities to apply it. I’m also going to challenge myself to stretch outside my comfort zone a little. It won’t be anything fancy, just some questions and ideas to help me make the most of 2022 as I seek to look more like Jesus and less like the world.

God created us and knows the wisdom we will gain from reflecting on the past as we seek to grow closer to Him. He knows that we will grow stronger in our faith as we spend time in His word. He knows that we will be more prepared to take on satan when he attacks. Be forewarned, whatever word you choose, satan will be ready to test you. He will be ready to give you opportunities to grow in that area.

God is also ready to walk with you, to give you strength, to encourage you, and to fight with you. You are never alone. 

If you are interested in trying this approach with me, I will be sharing my reflection questions on this blog. I would love to hear about your journey! I hope you will share with me how things are going either in the comments or in an email. Together, we are quite the opponent against the evil one, and it is an honor to fight him alongside you. 

Click here for January’s reflection.