
I have been reading Levi Lusko’s book I Declare War, and one of the insightful points that he makes is that it is never the wrong time to reset. 

How many times have you set a goal, gotten off track, and thought you had to wait until the next day, the next week, or even the next month to get back on track? Lusko says, no way. Each moment that we are given is a gift from God and the perfect time to go to Him, ask for help, and begin again. In fact, we can reset multiple times a day if we need to. You will never meet your quota for going to God and asking for help.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

I don’t know how your word of the year is going. Mine is not going that well. I have been busy this semester and haven’t devoted the time that I should have to staying focused on growing in this particular area the last couple of months. Which is one of the reasons why I am so excited about this month’s reflection. 

I love the Psalms! I don’t think I have ever encountered a situation in my life where I couldn’t find a Psalm that inspired me or brought me comfort. That is where we are going to start – find a Psalm that relates to the word that you have chosen for the year. Write it down. I would even challenge you to begin memorizing it so that in the moment, when you need inspiration or comfort, it is right there, in your heart, ready to provide exactly what you need.

Then (and I really hope that you will do this part) you will write your own Psalm to God. Think about the format of the Psalms. First, the psalmist typically laments a difficulty that he is having. He asks questions, like “Why don’t you hear me?” or “Why have you forgotten me?” After he pours out his pain to God, there is some type of transition – usually a recognition or acknowledgement of who God is and His sovereignty. Then, the psalmist wraps it up by praising God or thanking Him for all that He has done. There isn’t even a rhyme requirement. Just a heart poured out to God, longing to live a life that honors and glorifies Him. 

So, if you have gotten off track with your word of the year and thought you would have to wait until next year and begin again, I say, “no way!” You can start right now! We still have eight months of growth opportunities! Eight months of leaning in to God and striving to live like Christ. Let’s reset right now and get started!

Download the May reflection here.

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