Psalm 100

Such a beautiful Psalm, one that should be read often. It is filled with solid truths that we can cling to in all circumstances. 

The Lord is God. He is the Creator of the universe. He made each one of us. We are His, and we are loved by Him. He knows more about me than I know about myself, and He still loves me. He loves my children more than I can possibly imagine. He is God.

The Lord is good. Always. When was the last time you did something wonderful for someone who was not kind to you? God is always blessing us, even when we do not give Him the praise or glory for it. Even when we do not appreciate it. 

His love endures forever. I disappoint Him every single day, and yet He still has prepared a place in Heaven for me. I do not know exactly what will happen the day I die. I do know that God will not meet me at the Pearly Gates and give me a lecture about all of the things that I could have done better or about all of the mistakes that I made. He will not make me feel guilty for not being perfect. He has prepared a beautiful place that He will welcome me into for all of eternity, despite my mistakes and imperfections.

His faithfulness continues through all generations. Through every difficulty and every hardship, He has been there. He has never left me or forsake me. He has hurt with me. He has always been faithful to provide just what I needed at just the right time. Sometimes it was something physical, and sometimes it was the exact amount of strength I needed to endure a little longer. 

For all of these reasons, I will shout for joy to the Lord. I will worship Him with gladness. I will come before Him with joyful songs. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving. I will give thanks to Him and praise His name.

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