Finding Contentment

Over the weekend, I had a great opportunity to join some sweet young ladies for coffee and talk about a common struggle – finding contentment. We don’t live in a society filled with contentment. Every commercial, billboard and Facebook ad is designed to make us feel discontented so that we will buy whatever product is being sold. Even technology leaves us feeling discontented. Although we feel like social media keeps us connected, it doesn’t. It only allows others to see what we want them to see – the good parts, the exciting parts of life. So, as we scroll, we wonder why our lives aren’t as good as this person’s or as exciting as someone else’s.

During our time together, we read Paul’s statement in Philipians 4:11-13.

“Not that I speak from need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with little, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. ” (NASB)

Contentment isn’t a byproduct of something we do, it is an intentional choice. I make the choice to be content. It takes practice. In fact, one of those sweet young ladies pointed out that Paul uses the word “learned” several times. It isn’t something that comes naturally. It is something we have to learn. How do we go about learning to be content?

One step we can take is to practice gratitude. When we are discontented, we are focusing on all of the things that we believe are lacking instead of all the blessings that we have. When we are focusing on all of the blessings we have and thanking God for those, it is hard to be discontented. 

Another step is to make sure that we aren’t comparing ourselves to others. All of those social media posts can make us think that our lives are less than, that we are missing something. Comparing is what satan wants us to do. If he can keep us focused on the good that is going on in other’s lives, he can keep us from achieving that contentment that Paul talks about in Philippians. That gives him a foothold in our lives that we don’t want him to have. 

Most importantly, we need to be focused on our Savior. At first, we joked around about verse 11, Paul says that he has learned the secret to being content, but he didn’t include the secret. Why didn’t he just give us the formula? But if we keep reading, he does. The last statement he makes sums it all up, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” I can be content in whatever circumstance because He will give me strength.

We each have a purpose on this Earth, and that is to live a life that glorifies God. While our purpose is the same, our paths won’t look the same. When we can set our eyes on the cross and our hearts to seek God’s will for our lives, we will find the contentment that Paul describes.

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