Heaven’s Newspaper

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” I have never personally walked down the street and heard those words, but I have seen it play out enough in movies to understand the context! Let’s sell the latest news! Let us tell you about the latest tragedy, criminal activity or disaster that is going to leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed and riddled with anxiety about the future.

I was thinking the other day, what if a newspaper was dropped at God’s feet every day that recounted our actions from the previous day. Would we be proud for our Creator to read how we spent our time and money? Would we wish that we had been more urgent and more intentional about sharing Christ with someone we knew or someone we just met? Would we want our activities to make the front page of “Heaven’s Daily”?

There are many ways for us to share our faith while living for Christ and because we are all different, there is no right or wrong way. Some are extroverts – they live their faith out loud and boldly. They create opportunities to share about Jesus. Others are introverts – they are quieter, with actions that are more subtle, but nonetheless effective. They make a difference with what the world might view as insignificant opportunities. 

What if a newspaper was delivered to Heaven each morning? What would you want written about you? Would it say that you used your gifts to serve and glorify God?

I don’t care if my actions get coverage on earth, but I definitely want to be on the front page of God’s newspaper. Every time I allow myself to be His vessel and spread His love, God sees it. Every time I don’t, God sees that too. 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23

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