Day 1 – From Home

We are waking up in a new world today – the idea of working from home. As an educator, this is new territory. I know there are companies that have allowed people to work from home for years. I’m intrigued by the possibilities. I’m hoping this will make me a better teacher. I’m definitely going to have to get creative and think outside the box.

For me, all of this is just an inconvenience. It is not life-altering the way it will be for many. When I got the news of our school closing, I couldn’t help but think back to the winter of 2013. It was the last time we had significant snow. It is easy for me to remember because it was the winter my son died, and those snow days were a blessing to my family. They were an inconvenience to many others. They gave us some extra time to mourn and to heal; time that we desperately needed. Other parents felt “stuck” at home with their children. I would have given anything to be “stuck” at home with both of mine. 

Now, my day-to-day activities are being inconvenienced, and I am reminding myself that for some families, this time is a blessing. Maybe it’s a much needed slower pace for a couple of weeks, maybe it’s some time to heal from a loss, maybe it’s an opportunity to adjust to a life change. Whatever it’s for, it’s just the time they needed.

Whether this is an inconvenience for you or a blessing, I pray we can all use this time as an opportunity. Maybe you have always wanted to start a new hobby. This is the time. And if you still have children at home, I hope you will start it together. Maybe you have always wanted to write a book. This is the time. You can set aside several uninterrupted days. Maybe you have always wanted to learn calligraphy or do something nice for your neighbors. Maybe you have always wanted to sort through all of those photos and organize them. Whatever it is that you have put on the back burner until you had some free time – well here is your free time!

Most importantly, use this time to be in the word. There is nowhere to rush off to, so let’s practice being still before the Lord. If you aren’t sure what to do with this time, ask Him. Let Him guide you. Whatever He places in front of you will be far better than anything you could have thought up on your own.

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