The Ghosts of Christmases Past

Christmas is not what it used to be. There is no pitter patter of tiny feet in our home anymore. Which means there are no plates of cookies to fill for Santa and his reindeer, no stories to be read on Christmas Eve, and no one to coax to bed early. We are in a different season.

Not only has our season changed, due to loss, things are also not the way I imagined they would be. There were no presents to wrap for an amazing cotton top last night. And that tore at my heart. Yes, it has been six years; that doesn’t change the pain of longing for what was supposed to be.

And while I’m sad, I’m also happy about some of the new traditions that have begun. New traditions to look forward to on Christmas morning.

This year, we are spending Christmas in the home of our daughter and son-in-love. Things are calmer. There are fewer gifts to unwrap (and I can’t blame Santa anymore if I get something wrong). There are no gifts to assemble after Christmas and far less noise than I recall from the past.

Yet, there is also a peace. A peace that comes from knowing that someday everyday will be like Christmas because we will get to be with those we love. We will get to spend an eternity with our Saviour. The One who came to earth as a baby to give us a gift greater than anything that will be under any tree this year.

Holidays can be difficult when we miss those that we love. And many of us will spend the day wrestling with both joy and sadness. It’s easy to let what used to be put a cloud over what is. To let the memories of the past haunt the present.

My prayer is that we can smile remembering what was while also spending the day filled with hope for what is to come because of a precious baby laid in manger. A Saviour who willingly humbled Himself and became the sacrifice that would save us.

Merry Christmas to all of you and prayers for joy, peace and the gift of hope.

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